Writing Activity 2

นางสาวสุภัสสร แสงกล้า 5710101109

นางสาวนิชาภา อ้วนเต็ม 5810300847 

Topic sentence : There are three things we can do to save our environment.

Major sup 1: We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.
Minor sup : For example, We use cloth bags when we go shopping.

Major sup 2 : We should plant more trees.
Minor sup : If we don't have enough trees, the environment will have more carbondioxide.

Major sup 3 : We should reduce air pollution.
Minor sup : We use hybrid car because it save oil and use less energy than an old car.

Concluding sentence : The above 3 things show what we can do to save our environment.

นางสาวกุลชญา คลังมนตรี 6010505259 

นางสาวเมธาพร ทองแท้ 6010502659

Topic sentence :

Major sup 1: Over half of all high school students do not feel engaged with their studies.
Minor sup : Researchers think some students do not thrive in school that focus on teacher-center,test-focused and academic learning.

Major sup 2 : A third of student do not complete their education.
Minor sup : They don't think their schooling is relevant to the kind of work they will do.

Major sup 3 : Every student feels valued and supported
Minor sup : Report have shown promising results. Many traditional-school students who were not getting good grades improved significantly after their moved to a Studio School.

Concluding sentence :  Studio School can help the students that think their schooling is not relevant to the kind of work they will do in the future because in the studio school each student has a personal coach who help to make a plan to meet their goal



My dream job : น.ส.นิชาภา อ้วนเต็ม 5810300847

a global conservation project

My dream job : น.ส.เมธาพร ทองแท้ 6010502659